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Becoming a LARC Tutor

19 October 2017 (updated: 28 October 2022)
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Who can become a LARC tutor?

GP trainers or GPs working in training practices or family planning clinics and who are experienced in IUCD and /or Implant insertions and who hold the Advanced Certificate in LARC .


ICGP LARC tutors can provide training in LARC to GP trainees to apply for the Advanced Certificate in LARC.

Many GP trainees receive training in LARC insertions during their registrar years but receive no formal recognition of that training. The ICGP has developed a programme for LARC certification and award the Advanced Certificate in LARC to those GP trainees who receive training in LARC techniques from a recognised ICGP LARC tutor. GP trainers and GPs working in GPs working in training practices and family planning clinics can become a recognised ICGP LARC tutor by attending an ICGP LARC tutor course.

How to become a LARC tutor

To become a LARC tutor, you must hold the Advanced Certificate in LARC and you must attend a LARC Tutor Course run by the ICGP.

LARC tutor database

Once you have attended a LARC tutor course, you will be entered on the ICGP LARC tutor database of active LARC tutors. In order to remain on the LARC tutor database, you must attend at least one ICGP LARC update in a three year period.

Providing LARC training

Before commencing practical training in LARC, please ensure the following:

  1. A LARC tutor may train any other GP wishing for the Advanced Certificate in LARC following the same structure as for a trainee GP, i.e. Cert in Contraception, LARC elearning module, logbook, and supervision as previously described.
  2. The LARC tutor must be on the ICGP LARC tutor database. Please email: or phone: 01 676 3705 to confirm.
  3. Before commencing training, please ensure that your trainee has completed the following:
    a. RSH Certificate in Contraception and;
    b. LARC e-learning module add link to this 

Trainee logbook

The log book lays out the training requirements and must be completed by the trainee and signed by the LARC tutor.

Click here for the log book for IUCD IUS insertions.

Click here for the log book for sub-dermal implants

LARC training

1. Initial assessment

It is advised that the designated LARC tutor has an initial session with the GP trainee to assess the following:

i. Theoretical knowledge, needs and expectations.

Tutors should ensure that trainees have excellent theoretical knowledge prior to starting practical training. If a trainee's theoretical knowledge is not adequate, then practical training should not be commenced and the trainees should be asked to improve their knowledge by attending a theoretical course or reading the suggested material on the LARC e-learning course again. The ICGP LARC MCQ is a tool that may be used to assess a trainee's knowledge at the first session. You can get the MCQ by emailing

 ii. Practical details regarding instruments, counselling and record keeping. 

2. Practical training

The logbook allows for a minimum number of supervised insertions. If you, as a trainer, feel the trainee needs further experience before signing them off, then please continue training until you feel satisfied as to their level of competence. Alternatively, you can seek advice from colleagues at the ICGP Women's Health Programme or from another tutor in your area.

On completion of training, the LARC tutor must sign-off on training.

GP trainee application process

The GP trainee must complete an online application form and forward their logbook(s) by separate cover to the ICGP for review within one month of completing training.

Further information for GP trainees who would like to apply for the Advanced Certificate in LARC is available here.

Further information

For more information please the administrator of the Women's Health Programme at

LARC Tutor Course presentations– March 2015, Kilkenny