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Other Frequently Asked Questions

Financial Difficulties

I am in financial trouble (or my GP colleague is in financial trouble). I/ they have reached the ceiling of credit cards and term loans just to keep the practice functioning, the staff paid and my children in college. I/ they don't qualify for educational subsidies. Are there any supports for doctors? » read more

Sick Leave

I've never taken sick leave before, and I need to take leave this week what do I do? » read more

What is the ICGP Doctors Health in Practice programme?

This programme is delivered through the membership services committee as a benefit of ICGP membership. Members may contact the service by telephone, by text and by email, to discuss their own health and wellbeing concerns or concerns they may have for a colleagues' health. » read more

Work-Related issues

I live in fear of making a mistake since I received two complaints from two different patients within a short time period. I don't really want to discuss this with work colleagues. Where can I get support from? » read more