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Training Physicians in Mental Health Skills

Author: Goldberg D; Gask L; and Sartorius N.;World Psychiatric Association;Institute of Psychiatry

Publication Year: 2008


The Management of Chronic Fatigue in Primary Care - Prof Andre Tylee & Dr. Trudy Chalder (45 mins.)
The Management of Dementia in Primary Care - Prof Andre Tylee & Prof Simon Lovestone (45 mins.)
The Management of Psychosis in Primary Care - Prof Andre Tylee & Prof Graham Thornicroft (45 mins.)
Depression in Primary Care - Dr. Linda Gask & Dr Sally Standart (40 mins.)
Re-attribution: Somatic Presentations of Emotional Distress - Dr. Linda Gask (85 mins.)


This pack of three interactive DVD-ROM's features vignettes of GPs, treating casebook patients suffering from depression, chronic fatigue, psychosis, somatisation, and dementia. These scenarios are interspersed by experts in each field, offering advice on assessment tools, interventions and medication. The DVDs also contain a training manual, a set of introductory lecture slides, lecture notes and a set of role plays

Format Audio - Visual
Keywords psychosomatic disorders, dementia, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, mental health
Publisher Institute of Psychiatry
Classification mental health
Categories: Reports
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