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Six week baby check in general practice project: a conjoint approach to quality assurance of child health screening

Author: McMaster, C.; McBride, L.;ICGP;HSE West; Best Health for Children/Programme of Action for Children

Publication Year: 2006


List of Figures & Tables
Executive Summary
1. Introduction
2. Aims and Objectives
3. Project Methodology
4. Assessment of Existing Practice
5. Recruitment of General Practitioners & Practice Nurses
6. Training module
7. Data Collection
8. Data Analysis
9. Results
10. Feedback from Parents & Project Partners
11. Costs
12. Conclusions and Recommendations


The check that babies are offered at 6 weeks of age is a key part of an evidence based child health surveillance and screening service, and is a routine part of the work of most General Practitioners. However, up until now there has been little opportunity to look at the quality of this service. This project represents a very important and innovative approach to improving the quality of services provided to parents and children. It demonstrates how primary care plays a central part in child health surveillance and shows how evidence may be translated into practice and result in greater satisfaction for parents and better outcomes for children. It also shows how improvements can be made in services that, although ‘low tech’ and routine, have real potential in terms of not only detecting problems at an early stage but also providing opportunities for promoting health.

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Keywords screening, neonatal care, general practice
Publisher HSE
Classification neonatal care
Pages 69
Categories: Reports, Irish Content, ICGP Resources
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