
19 May 2008 (updated: 28 July 2023)


Provided by the National Library of Medicine, this reference database dates back to 1966.

TIPS for using PubMed

Online Training Tutorials

BMJ Best Practice

Ranked one of the best clinical decision support tools for health professionals worldwide. BMJ Best Practice takes you quickly and accurately to the latest evidence-based information, whenever and wherever you need it. It offers step by step guidance on diagnosis, prognosis, treatment and prevention updated daily using robust evidence based methodology and expert opinion.

Free access in the Republic of Ireland as it is funded by the HSE.

Cochrane Library

Free access in the Republic of Ireland as it is funded by the Department of Health and Children.

TIPS for using The Cochrane Library

Online Training Tutorials
Cochrane Training Library Hub


Lenus, the Irish Health Research repository is the leading source for Irish research in health and social care.The Lenus collections include peer reviewed journal articles, grey literature, dissertations, reports and conference presentations. Lenus contains the publications of the Irish Health Service Executive (HSE) and the collected research output of over 130 health organisations past and present are all freely accessible. 

TRIP Database (Turning Research into Practice)

It is an excellent site for Evidence Based Medicine information.

TIPS for using the TRIP database

GP Evidence

Summaries of the evidence on the benefits and harms of treatments for long term conditions. This free website was developed by the University of Oxford. 

ERIC (Education Resource Information Center) US

Sponsored by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) of the US Department of Education

Coverage from 1966 to present.

TIPS for using ERIC

Online Training Tutorials