Irish College Of General Practitioners calls for support for the Public Health (Alcohol) Bill

08 November 2017

Irish College Of General Practitioners calls for support for the Public Health (Alcohol) Bill

The Public Health (Alcohol) Bill, which returns to the Seanad today (Wednesday 8 November), aims to tackle Ireland's harmful relationship with alcohol.

Every day, general practitioners witness the damaging effects of alcohol abuse on individuals, families and communities. This Bill aims to reduce our alcohol consumption in Ireland, with a particular focus on reducing consumption amongst younger people and families.

"Irish family doctors support this legislation, and call on our legislators to support it", said Dr Mark Murphy, chair of communications with the ICGP.

"Ireland has the second highest rate of binge drinking in the world, according to the WHO, especially amongst younger people. Research shows there are at least 1,000 alcohol-related deaths per year in Ireland; one in four deaths of young men aged 15-39 is due to alcohol.

Every day, around 1,500 beds in our hospitals are occupied by people with alcohol-related illnesses."

The Irish College of General Practitioners is a member of the Alcohol Health Alliance, an alliance of organisations and NGOs campaigning to reduce Ireland's dependence on alcohol.

"This legislation for the first time will ensure that alcohol is no longer treated as just another ordinary commodity or grocery in our supermarkets or other outlets – it ensures that alcohol sales are regulated effectively to reduce alcohol harm and improve public health, safety and wellbeing."

Media queries

Aileen O'Meara, Communications Consultant, Irish College of General Practitioners
Tel. 01 5175311 / 087 2239830, Email: