Updated ECDC Rapid Risk Assessment: Cluster of pneumonia cases caused by a novel coronavirus, Wuhan, China, 2020

20 January 2020

Since 31 December 2019 and as of 17 January 2020, 205 laboratory confirmed cases of novel coronavirus 2019-nCoV infection, including three deaths (case fatality ratio: 1.5%), have been reported in Wuhan City, China. In addition, three cases of 2019-nCoV have been reported in Beijing (2) and Guangdong (1) in China, all with a travel history to Wuhan. A further four imported cases ex-Wuhan have been reported in Thailand (2), Japan (1) and South Korea (1).

The clinical information on confirmed 2019-nCoV cases reported so far suggests a milder disease course than that observed in SARS and MERS cases, however it is early days as yet. Most of those affected worked or visited a seafood market in Wuhan, which also sells live animals.

Environmental sanitation of the involved seafood market took place and the market was closed on 1 January 2020 . According to Wuhan Municipal Health Commission, samples from the market tested positive for the novel coronavirus. In addition, according to media quoting health authorities, these positive environmental samples were from floors, tabletops and gloves from the areas where aquatic products were sold.

Risk of importation/infection for travellers

Standard recommendations to prevent infection spread include:

The upcoming Chinese New Year celebrations at the end of January will cause an increased travel volume to/from China and within China, hence increasing the likelihood of arrival in the EU of possible cases. Should a case of the new virus be identified in the EU, the evidence of limited human-to-human transmission and the vigorous infection prevention and control measures that would be applied, mean the likelihood of further spread in the community setting within the EU is considered very low.


Further information, guidance and algorithms will be circulated as they become available.