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Doctor Healthcare Support

The programme recognises that many GPs have expressed a preference to attend doctors or health professionals outside their own area and this is now a viable, acceptable option.

As a group, doctors may also have concerns about medical confidentiality when they become ill. However, it must be stressed that the strength of the programme stems from the commitment of all the Network providers to maintaining confidentiality for the doctors who make contact with the service.

This is central to preserving the trust which we would hope that GPs will have for this system of healthcare and is crucial to the success of the programme.

GPs may access four different networks of doctors and other healthcare professionals who provide confidential personal healthcare to GP members and their families:

  • Directory of Doctors' Health General Practitioners
  • Directory of Doctors' Health Occupational Physicians 
  • Directory of Doctors' Health Psychological Therapists

GPs and their families may avail of independent and confidential health services, to address personal health issues; physical health, occupational health and psychological health (for both work-related and personal issues) and preventative health and screening, whether or not these illnesses may have an impact on work.

The Network providers are aware of the difficulties faced by doctors who are ill and the challenges faced by those who treat doctors. As individual practitioners, they have an interest in providing healthcare for GPs. Doctors in the networks have participated in a formal process of application and selection and have met the criteria required. They receive ongoing education and support from the programme in the area of doctors' health and they have the benefit of structured formal and informal peer support within the groups.

GP members may arrange an appointment or seek advice directly from any of the providers in the Newtworks – GPs, Occupational Physicians, Psychologist and therapist by contacting them directly using the contact details provided.

Note the Psychiatrists Network services are normally arranged by referral from your GP.

This access is facilitated by the ICGP but not provided directly by the ICGP and can be accessed directly.

For further information on how the service operates, please contact:

Dr Andrée Rochfort, Director of ICGP Doctors' Health on mobile no. 087 7519307 or by email


Telephone Helpline & Information

Telephone helpline / text line: 087 7519307, for general and confidential health related issues, information and signposting service. » read more