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15 October 2018 (updated: 15 October 2021)
print version

What information should I record on my ePortfolio?

You will need to complete all fields marked with a red asterisk. 

You will also need to maintain evidence to support the recorded activity. You can add this evidence to your ePortfolio where it will remain for 3 PCS years (current year and 2 previous) and you should also maintain a copy on file a minimum of 6 PCS years.

Evidence should include the following:

  • External: the certificate of attendance given at an event
  • Internal: notes and details regarding the activity* (eg. number of people in attendance, topics discussed)
  • Personal learning: the name of the journal/website, the date of issue or date of access and the topics covered
  • Research and teaching: published paper, slideshow used, course programme
  • Audit: detailed summary/report of the audit*

*NB: Patient identifiers should never appear on your ePortfolio or on any evidence used to support the recording of your professional competence activities.

