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15 October 2018
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How does a Specialist Division doctor enrol on a PCS?

If a doctor is registered on the Specialist Division of the Register, they should contact their Postgraduate Training Body to begin the process of enrolment with a Professional Competence Scheme.

If the doctor is not aligned with a Postgraduate Training Body (PGTB), they should contact the PGTB which they feel is most appropriate to the Specialist Division in which they are registered. 

Some doctors no longer practice in the area of initial specialisation e.g. on Specialist Division in General Practice but now working in Voluntary Sector (ICHMT General Division PCS best applies). But at present, there is no mechanism to change IMC registration from Specialist to General Division and mostly practitioner prefers to remain on Specialist Division. These doctors should enrol in their Specialist Division PCS and their training body will facilitate maintenance of credits referable to their present scope of practice.

Source: Medical Council

