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HCAI/AMR Newsletter May 2014: Drugs for bugs in long-term care residents: can we help prevent infection and optimise our antimicrobial prescribing?

Author: O'Connor, Nuala Dr.; Burns, Karen Dr.

Publication Year: 2014


What is the HALT survey and what did it set out to do?
What types of LTCF took part in HALT 2013?
What structures are in place in Irish LTCF for the prevention of HCAI?
What structures are in place in Irish LTCF to optimise antimicrobial prescribing practices?
What were the characteristics of the residents in the participating LTCF?
How common were HCAI in Irish LTCF and what types of infections were reported?
How common was antimicrobial prescribing in Irish LTCF, who prescribes them and why were residents prescribed antimicrobials?
What are the trends arising from the three HALT surveys completed since 2010?
What are the trends in antimicrobial prescribing in Irish LTCF?
What actions can general practitioners take arising from the results of the HALT survey?


This newsletter aims to highlight HCAI/AMR issues relevant to general practice.

In the European HALT survey conducted in 2010, the prevalence of antimicrobial use and prophylaxis in particular was high in Ireland. Residents in Irish long term care facilities are twice as likely to be on an antibiotic as their European counterparts. This article presents the results of the 2013 Halting Infections in Long-Term Care HALT study. Unfortunately, there are little signs of improvement. We can, should and need to do better.

Format Download
Keywords antibiotics
Publisher Irish College of General Practitioners
Classification antibiotics
Alternative Title The HALT Survey
Pages 7
Categories: Irish Content, ICGP Resources
Email: library@icgp.ie, Tel: 01 6763705, Fax: 01 6765850