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Acute Healthcare in Transition in Ireland: Change, Cutbacks and Challenges

Author: Kinsella, Ray (ed)

Publication Year: 2003


Key issues relating to acute healthcare in Ireland- an overview
The national healthcare strategy: a progress report on initiatives in the acute sector
The new census data: recent demographic trends and issues
Changing demographics - the impact on general practice
Ireland's changed economic outlook: key implications for exchequer spending on health
The lack of competition and its impact on the supply of acute healthcare
The impact of cut-backs and expenditure adjustments
Medical manpower - the key issues in the new budgetary climate
Is there a quality crisis in healthcare?
Education and training for the acute sector: procedures and process
Higher medical training in the acute sector: recent developments and key issues
The central role of the primary sector in referring healthcare in ireland
Defecting from the medical profession- A personal perspective
Structural leakages in the irish acute healthcare systems
The impact of cut-backs on acute intensive hospital services: some personal reflections on new management and alternative models
Expanding the private sector: a new generation of privately funded hospitals for ireland?
The (greatly underestimated) costs of financing Irelands university teaching hospitals: why it is so important and what we should be doing
Some issues in risk equalisation in a competitive Irish health insurance market
RES - impact on competition in the Irish PMI market: perspectives from a European and global insurer

Format Print
Keywords primary health care
Publisher Oak Tree Press
Classification primary health care
Edition First
ISBN 1-86076-288-3
Pages 158
Categories: Irish Content, Books
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