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The High Society: Drugs and the Irish Middle Class

Author: Delaney Wilson, Justine

Publication Year: 2007


Author's note
A guide to the gear
A list at to help
1:The people and the Dugs
2: Doctor and the Medics
3: Money, money, money
4: Our Pillars
5: Silence: The Irish Answer
6: Drugs Don't Wreck lives, hangovers do.
7: The arm of the law
8: Outside hours
9: Unlikely Friends
10: Treatment

Format Print
Keywords drugs, drug abuse
Publisher Gill and Macmillan Ltd
Classification drug abuse
ISBN 978-0-7171-4178-4
Categories: Books
Email: library@icgp.ie, Tel: 01 6763705, Fax: 01 6765850