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Palliative Care for Children with Life-Limiting Conditions in Ireland - A National Policy

Author: Department of Health & Children

Publication Year: 2009


Membership of the Children's Palliative Care Working Group
Terms of Reference
Executive summary
Section One - Defining and describing palliative care for children
1. Introduction
2. Definition of children's palliative care
3. International perspective
4. Irish context
5. A Palliative Care Needs Assessment for Children (2005)
6. Evidence Based Practice
Section Two - Existing service provision in Ireland
1. Introduction
2. Collecting data
3. Palliative care for children in hospitals
4. Palliative care for children in the community
5. Respite
6. National Children's Hospice
7. Education and training of staff
8. Bereavement Support
9. The role of the voluntary sector
Section Three - Future provision of services
1. Introduction
2. Transition from policy to practice
3. Clinical Governance
4. Principles underpinning the development of children's palliative care
5. Delivery of care
6. Location of care
7. Bereavement care
8. Play for children with life-limiting conditions
9. Education for children with life-limiting conditions
10. Education and training staff
11. National Development Committee for Children's Palliative Care
12. Collecting data on children with life-limiting conditions
13. The interface between voluntary and statutory agencies
14. Workforce planning
15. Integrated care pathways for children and families with palliative care needs
16. Priorities and timeframes
17. Estimated cost of funding development of children's palliative care
Glossary of Terms

Format Download
Keywords children, palliative care
Publisher Department of Health and Children
Classification palliative care
Pages 70
Categories: Reports, Irish Content
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