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Breast Implant Associated Anaplastic Large Cell Lymphoma (BIA-ALCL)

23 May 2019
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BIA-ALCL is a rare but important disease affecting individuals with breast implants.

BIA-ALCL may present from 1 to 40 years post implantation, with a median time to presentation of 8 years.

The most common presentation is a large spontaneous peri-prosthetic fluid collection but lymphadenopathy or a palpable mass are possible presentations.

If a case of BIA-ALCL is suspected, an individual should be referred to their implanting surgeon for urgent assessment. In cases where surgery took place in a private clinic which is no longer functional, a referral should be made to a Breast or Plastic surgeon, ideally located in a Breast Care Centre.

For more information, please click here



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