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11 October 2010
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Q. I use LogMeIn to access my practice computer from home. Is this OK?

A. LogMeIn is commonly used by Irish GPs to access their work computer remotely. It is safe and secure, provided you attend to some key security details.

Purchase the LogMeIn Pro software rather than using the free version. Software companies work hard to keep their paid-for products up-to-date. Free versions sometimes wait in line to get security patches and key updates. Use a strong password. LogMeIn just asks for a password with six characters. Use a stronger password and don't share the password with anyone. Ensure the administrator password on the practice computer is also a strong password.

When you have installed the software and you are up and running, you will see a security section on the interface. Access this and set a personal password. This is an added security check when you log in. Turn off LogMeIn on the practice computer when you are not using it. Ensure your practice network has a firewall and antivirus software, and that the operating systems are up-to-date.

