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01 August 2013
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Q. Is it okay for the practice staff to use work computers to access the internet for personal use?

A. In a word, no. The practice computers should only be used for work-related activities. For most staff this will mean using the computers to run the practice software management system. The internet is appropriate for getting lab results, sending electronic referrals, searching for medical information and collecting practice email messages.

Practice staff, including the doctors, should never use the internet for personal reasons. No accessing online newspapers, no online shopping, no booking tickets, no Facebook, no blogs, no music, no videos, no photos. If you or your staff wish to access the internet for personal use, then you should use your personal smartphone or tablet, at a time when you are not working. Staff access to the internet for personal usage increases the risk of being hacked or getting a virus or some other malware. There is a GPIT policy document on acceptable usage of the internet available in the 'Publications & Reports' section of the GPIT. Consider reviewing this document at a practice meeting and getting everyone's agreement to sign off on it.

