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23 August 2010
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Q. Why should I buy a certified general practice software system?

A. The national General Practice Information Technology (GPIT) Group has certified five GP practice software systems: CompleteGP, Health One, Helix Practice Manager, Medtech 32 and Socrates.

These systems have been benchmarked against the requirements for a general practice system and have reached the standard required. The requirements and the test plan used are available on the website. Navigate to 'Publications and Reports' and 'Software Companies'. Only certified systems will be included in new developments, such as electronic cancer referrals from GP systems to the specialist cancer centres. If you purchase a non-certified system you risk buying a system that does not have all the functions necessary for general practice. Investing in a GP system is resource intensive, both in terms of money and time. It is important that you make the right choice.

