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23 July 2020
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CervicalCheck screening programme - new form

Below is an extract from a letter received from CerviaclCheck on the new form and screen programme.

As you know, the CervicalCheck screening programme returned on 06 July 2020.

Please note that any sample sent with the old screening form will be returned to you by the laboratory and you will be ask to complete the correct form (Revision 16) and resend the sample. Any sample taken in out of-date vials cannot be processed and your patient will have to wait three months for a re-test.

Please download the new screening forms from on or from your GP Practice Management System (please contact your PMS Helpdesk if you need support).

Paper versions of the new forms were sent to your practice in May 2020. Please dispose of the old forms.

For more information, the full letter is available here.

