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Suicide Prevention in the Community: a practical guide

Author: O'Sullivan, M.; Rainsford, M. and Sihera, N.;HSE

Publication Year: 2011


Section 1: Introduction and background information
Section 2: The impact of suicide
Section 3: Setting up a community group for suicide prevention
Section 4: Preventing suicide by promoting positive mental health and tackling stigma
Section 5: Supporting at risk and diverse groups
Section 6: Training and skills development programmes
Section 7: Useful resources
Section 8: Appendices


Suicide Prevention in the community: A practical guide” is a result of a number of community groups formed in the West of Ireland in response to suicide. The guide is the first of its kind in Ireland. It contains useful and practical advice on how best to set up a community response group to suicide. It lists the ‘do’s’ and ‘don’ts’ of how best to support a grieving community and reduce the risk of further suicides in an area. Good practice guidelines are outlined for schools, third level colleges, youth clubs and centres, workplaces and sports groups.

Many community groups are formed following a death by suicide in an area and communities often struggle to know exactly what to say and do. This booklet is a tool to support communities to address suicide and to ensure that they are offered reassurance and sound advice at a time of great distress.

Format Download
Keywords suicide
Publisher HSE
Classification suicide
ISBN 9781898098478
Pages 170
Categories: Irish Content
External Link http://www.nosp.ie/
Email: library@icgp.ie, Tel: 01 6763705, Fax: 01 6765850