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16 November 2017
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Almost one in five of newly-trained GPs have already emigrated, according to latest survey of recent GP graduates and trainees

A further 17% of recent graduates are considering emigration, survey finds

A new survey of recently qualified GPs has found that the rate of emigration is continuing, mainly to Canada and Australia, despite a shortage of GPs in Ireland.

The survey, by the Irish College of General Practitioners, also shows that future GPs want a more flexible life, and that 30% of trainees are considering emigration.

Lead author of the survey, Dr Gerry Mansfield, said: "A comprehensive plan to reverse this emigration trend must include a commitment to a well-resourced model of general practice in Ireland."

Co-author Dr Claire Collins said, "This survey is a timely reminder about the impact of the FEMPI cuts in general practice, not alone among existing practices, but also in terms of the incoming generation of general practitioners."

The CEO of the ICGP, Fintan Foy, said the College is working on a series of actions to help tackle this emigration trend.

"The ICGP has, among other activities, launched the #BEaGP campaign (, highlighting the strengths and attractions of a career in general practice in Ireland. The ICGP and HSE have also agreed to additional GP training places to help meet the manpower crisis," said Fintan Foy, ICGP CEO.

"However, it is essential that along with these actions, the Government must also move towards the reversal of FEMPI as a matter of urgency. We need a new GMS contract, with more flexible work-life balance for doctors, more access to diagnostics, and more support for ICT and practice staff."

FEMPI, or the Financial Emergency Measures in the Public Interest Act, cut the incomes of general practices by an average of 38% during the recession, via drastic cuts in fee income and support for practice staff and overheads.

"This brain drain of young graduates is not unique to general practice, but specific attention must be paid to this. General practice is at the heart of Irish healthcare, with over 20 million consultations per year," Mr Foy added.

"A major increase in demand for general practitioners is predicted in the coming years, not alone from an increase in older people with chronic diseases, but in the retirement of existing doctors. At present, almost 17% of GPs in Ireland are aged over 60, and we need to stem the flow of emigration and show graduates that there is a future in general practice here."

The survey highlighted that the vast majority (98%) of recent graduates do not see themselves in single-principal practices in their future careers, two-thirds do not wish to take on the administrative burden associated with managing a general practice, and most want to work part-time.

The survey is available here on the ICGP website.

Media queries

Aileen O'Meara, Communications Consultant, Irish College of General Practitioners
Tel. 01 5175311 / 087 2239830, Email:

Note to editors and correspondents

General practice is at the heart of the Irish healthcare service, with the vast majority of illness treated outside hospitals and in the community.

In 2015, there were 3,523 registered GPs, of which 17% are over 60 years of age.

GP practices in Ireland have over 20 million consultations per year; that's an average of 4.3 visits per year by persons over the age of 15. Ireland has 76 GPs per 100,000 population, compared to Canada or Australia, who have over 100 per 100,000 population.

