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04 December 2017
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Statement from the Irish College of General Practitioners regarding the death of Milly Tuomey

The Irish College of General Practitioners expresses its sympathy on the death by suicide of Milly Tuomey, whose inquest was covered in the media on Friday 1 and Saturday 2 December.

A statement by the family made reference to the training of GPs in identifying suicide risk.

The Irish College of General Practitioners wishes to clarify the position regarding the training of GPs in suicide prevention in general practice.

"GPs are the first point of contact, typically, when patients present with mental health difficulties in the health system. As part of our management of mental health symptoms, all GPs in Ireland conduct risk assessments and take appropriate measures, including referral to secondary care services and/or liaising with the family to mitigate against this risk," said Dr Mark Murphy, Chair of Communications with the ICGP.

"Suicidal risk assessment is an obligatory part of the ICGP training curriculum for GPs", Dr Murphy said.

"The ICGP in collaboration with the National Office for Suicide Prevention (NOSP) developed an e- learning module in 2014 specifically on Suicide Prevention in General Practice. This is available to all GPs as part of their continuing medical education and is also available to all practice nurses on the IPNA website. Furthermore as part of this initiative a DVD was sent to each ICGP member on suicide prevention in general practice".

Media queries

Aileen O'Meara, Communications Consultant, Irish College of General Practitioners
Tel. 01 5175311 / 087 2239830, email:

