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03 October 2019
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I am in financial trouble (or my GP colleague is in financial trouble). I/ they have reached the ceiling of credit cards and term loans just to keep the practice functioning, the staff paid and my children in college. I/ they don't qualify for educational subsidies. Are there any supports for doctors?

This scenario has been presented by GPs in recent years. I generally take a broad approach to supporting the caller, assuring them of options. Obviously a forthright analysis with a financial advisor at one of their current banks or credit unions needs to be a key action, if not already done. I would also advise a review of practice income with an accountant who is familiar with PCRS claims to work with the GP and /or practice administrator to ensure all the income claims that are due to the practice are actually claimed. The ICGP Practice Management diploma course which is part time over the academic year has helped many practices develop good business systems that are more time efficient than before. In some cases I have referred the GP to the Medical Benevolent fund for financial assistance. The RMBF is an Irish charity set up to give financial support to doctors families who have fallen on hard times. The form need to be validated by two colleagues, to verify the circumstances which led to expenditure exceeding over income such as hardship following personal illness or family illness, college fees, injury or adverse life issues.

Further information and an application form can be found at


An application form can be obtained from the website above.

