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IT FAQs - General Data Protection Regulation

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Access to Clinical Records by Secretarial and Administrative Staff

Q. Is it appropriate for practice support staff to have access to the patient's medical record? » read more

Chronic Disease Programmes

Q. I have signed up to the HSE chronic disease programmes for asthma and diabetes. Do I need written consent to return data? » read more

Data Access Request

Q. A mother has requested access to her 16 year old daughter's medical record. How should I respond? » read more

Freedom of Information Requests

Q. A General Medical Services (GMS) patient has submitted a Freedom of Information Request for their medical record. How should I proceed? » read more

GDPR 20 months on

Q. GDPR was enacted in the EU in May 2018. Has there been smooth adoption from general practice in Ireland? » read more

Health Insurance Company requests

Q. A patient of mine recently had a procedure in a private hospital. Her insurer is now requesting further information from me. Have they a right to this? » read more

Learning points for GPs from the 2016 report from the Office of the Data Protection Commissioners?

Q. Any learning points for GPs from the 2016 report from the Office of the Data Protection Commissioners? » read more

Managing a data breach

Q. What should we do when we suspect we have a personal data breach in the practice? » read more

Moving away from faxes

Q. Is it safe to send referrals via fax? » read more

Personal public service (PPS) number

Q. Can a GP ask for a patient's PPS number? » read more

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